Content Laboratory Assignments:
Group A (Mandatory Six Assignments)
1. Using Divide and Conquer Strategies design a function for Binary Search using C++/ Java/ Python/Scala.
2. Using Divide and Conquer Strategies design a class for Concurrent Quick Sort using C++.
3. Lexical analyzer for sample language using LEX.
4. Parser for sample language using YACC.
5. Int code generation for sample language using LEX and YACC.
Elective-I A. Design a class using C++ to read a gray scale TIFF image le of a dental digital X-Ray or Medical X-Ray or an Areal view Image, design Class to calculate histogram to return a CList, Design ImageDisplay class to display histogram of a image.
Elective-I B. A company has three offices at remote locations with requirement of interoperability with remote services.Each office has a server, TCP/IP and
different users including administrator, privileged users and common clients. Design a network model for the same. Demonstrate the network model using NS3.
different users including administrator, privileged users and common clients. Design a network model for the same. Demonstrate the network model using NS3.
Elective-I C. Write a java program to multiply 64-bit numbers using shared memory, java collection framework and java utilities.
Elective-I D. Implement a simple approach for k-means/ k-medoids clustering using C++.
Group B (Any Six Assignments: at least 3 from the selected Elective)All assignments must be covered in a students batch of laboratory.
1. 8-Queens Matrix is Stored using JSON/XML having rst Queen placed, use back-tracking to place
remaining Queens to generate nal 8-queen's Matrix using Python.
2. Concurrent Implementation of traveling salesman problem.
3. Implementation of 0-1 knapsack problem using branch and bound approach.
4. Code optimization using DAG.
5. Code generation using DAG / labeled tree.
6. Generating abstract syntax tree using LEX and YACC.
7. Implementing recursive descent parser for sample language.
8. Write a program to implement SLR Parsing algorithm using Python for the ordered input Set in XML
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Elective-I A1 Implement histogram equalization without the use of FOSS Eclipse-OpenCV library functions and compare
its performance to OpenCV library function with Eclipse.
Elective-I A2 Implement adaptive thresholding of a gray scale image and compare its performance with ordinary thresholding.
Elective-I A3 Perform a two dimensional Butterworth low-pass and high-pass lter of the given image for two di fferent cut-off frequencies.
Elective-I A4 Perform Image segmentation using watershed /fuzzy/clustering segmentation technique.
Elective-I A5 Perform any two boundary/region based feature extraction techniques for object recognition.
Elective-I B1 Write a program in python to calculate end-to-end packet delay for ethernet, 802.11 and 802.15.4 and
compare the results. End-to-end packet delay should include processing delay, queuing delay, transmission delay and propagation delay.
Elective-I B2 Write a program in Java to analyze M/D/1 (Random Arrivals, constant service time distribution and 1
server) for data wireless networks and calculate channel utilization and throughput.
Elective-I B3 Write a program using Embedded Java to nd CMST using Esau-Williams Algorithm use wireless networks.
Elective-I B4 For wireless routing, design and compare distributed Bellman-Ford algorithm and Dijkstra's algorithm use FOSS Eclipse C++/ Java/ Python/ Scala for programming.
Elective-I B5 The class rooms and laboratories are connected through a distributed network having 'n' nodes with security cameras (IP-based) along with the other sensors such as thumb marks of attendance. Design
a network for your college for security management and attendance management. The departments are
connected in a bipartite graph and Heads are connected to the administrative o ces of the college. Design
a network and test it the e cient data handling by di erent entities. Develop a model to demonstrate Dijkstra's algorithm for sampling the data. Use Python and NS3.
Elective-I C1 For a text message of 150 words, Hu man Codes are to be produced and transmitted through a messaging system or a blog. Use Python or Java Script/Java Beens to transfer such message from one user to another
on a web/intranet.
Elective-I C2 For a text message of 150 words, Hu man Codes are to be produced and transmitted through a messaging
system or a blog. Use Python or Java Script/Java Beens/Scala to transfer such message from one user to another on a web/intranet, Develop a mobile APP.
Elective-I C3 Write a program using Sqoop to transfer the Digital Library Book Data and related linked to multimedia/ PDF les stored using MySQL to HDFS and from HDFS to MySQL.
Elective-I C4 Write a program using Hive to create a summarization and data analysis queries on the Digital Library Book Data.
Elective-I C5 Write a MapReduce program using Java/Python/Scala to arrange the data on userid, then with in the user id sort them in increasing or decreasing order of hit count of accession number demanded by students using digital library.
Elective-I D1 Using any similarity based techniques develop an application to classify text data. Perform pre-processing tasks as per requirement.
Elective-I D2 Implement Apriori approach for datamining to organize the data items on a shelf using following table of items purchased in a Mall
Elective-I D3 Implement Decision trees on Digital Library Data to mirror more titles(PDF) in the library application, compare it with Na ve Bayes algorithm.
Elective-I D4 Implement Na ve Bayes for Concurrent/Distributed application. Approach should handle categorical and continuous data.
Elective-I D5 Implementation of K-NN approach take suitable example.
Group C (Any One Assignment)
1. Code generation using \iburg" tool.
2. Cross compilation using XMLVM.
3. Generate Hu man codes for a gray scale 8 bit image.
4. Simulate JPEG like compression on a grayscale image and report the compression ratio.